Preparing for Spring
Although it is snowing outside my office and it is still officially winter, the first spring blooms have arrived!
With more daylight and the garden showing signs of awakening, we are eager to be outdoors. Whether you want your hands in the dirt or you are simply ready to enjoy the periodic spells of warm weather, head outside!
When the weather is good, stroll through your property to notice the lovely surprises of a spring garden, like the fallen blooms of a red bud on a moss covered stone walk.
A bit of late winter work in the garden will get you ahead of chores and potential problems later in the season. In other words, effort now can produce exponential results. Pulling those annual winter weeds will prevent them going to seed. Cleaning the garden beds and disposing of winter debris will reduce disease and pest pressure. Dividing crowded perennials will revitalize your plans, plus result in free plants to distribute around your garden or share with friends.
On a bad weather day, clean sharpen and oil your gardening tools. Disinfect pruners to lmit disease spread. Organize and sweep utility areas.